Northern Colorado Film Community Selects New Logo

C/O Seth Haller

Filmmakers based in Northern Colorado will have a new way to express their hometown pride after the unveiling of a new logo representing the state. 

Selected from a field of nine designs, voters in the film community overwhelmingly chose Seth Haller’s design depicting the state of Colorado as a film slate. 

Haller’s appreciation for the film community enabled him to express his creativity through his practice as a graphic designer.

“If we haven’t met yet, I am a local designer who would love to contribute to this filmmaker community by making graphics for props, titles, credits, posters, and whatever needs special design attention,” Haller said. “Like Saul Bass, I want to ‘make beautiful things even if nobody cares.’”

Local film influencer Jesse Nyander spurred on the logo contest at the end of 2023, with the goal of creating a united front for local filmmakers to push forward their own interests. In the past, he has said wide adoption of a locally-made logo will encourage policy makers to see the film community as worth catering to.

Filmmakers who work primarily in Colorado are encouraged to add this logo to the credits of their film. Like Georgia’s peach or New Mexico’s viewfinder, this logo will add local character to any production made in the state.

Seth Haller’s other work can be found at, or on his Instagram profile


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